Friday, November 28, 2014


One may be lead to think that this Blog Post has something to do with a butchers job as one would expect in a meat shop for example. Sadly this blog post is quite different as this is what was said to me after having surgery of the procedure that ended up being a butchers job. So lets jump back a decade so I can paint this picture so all are on the same track and will have a greater understanding to my references.

Turning Back The Clock To 1995 - 1996

In the year of 1995 I was living and working as a Chef for the Tongan Royal Family as well as looking after the tiny Islands National hotel, The Dateline Hotel in Nuku'Alofa Tongtapu. This is where I met my second wife and we decided to start having children so a few months before the birth of our first child we headed back to New Zealand as it was important to me that our children would get the best start in life. Being a New Zealand resident would secure all ambitions and education of the highest level.

Once we landed in NZ I took on a job as a truck driver to pave thge way ahead as we planed on returning to the islands once our baby was 3 to 4 months old. This was not to happen as I was working for a company moving furniture.On this particular day my life was about to turn for the worst, as I was involved in an accident moving a piano into a house ending up having it land on top of me. 

At the time I remember getting up and thinking " Shitr that hurt" but after later tests I was to find that my spine was badly hurt. My life as i knew it changed after this accident and we did not return to our island paradise.This all happened at a time in NZ where imaging was not the greatest and I had to survive for the next six years working part time in tremendous pain through the birth of our second daughter just a year after our first. 

First Spinal Surgery 2002

After six years of living on a concoction of drugs including morphine and steroids I finally got my day in surgery. After the operation I was overwhelmed as this was the first time in many years that I could stand properly without severe nerve pain. I was to have minor setbacks in the years that followed but these were minor compared to the intense pain I had initially. Sure I went through some really shocking years as well but I could function to a very good degree.

Christchurch Earthquakes Demolition

In the year of 2012 I headed south to Christchurch as this was the hub of New Zealand that required a great deal of skilled people for primarily demolition. This was also the place where I met my third wife Emily. The work was great and the money was fantastic as we were in the most dangerous buildings whilst earthquakes were still occurring at a rate of three a day. We only evacuated the building with shakes over 4.0 and 5.0 would close the Red Zone completely.

At the end of this year I returned to my second trade as a tiler working for some real fuckwits as well as for some great companies. This is when I started my own company Christchurch Tilers as there was a need for top quality as others were just about speed and get the cash.

World Starts To Fall Apart February 2014 

History was to repeat itself as I hurt my spine thinking it was just a small setback and things would be great in a few days. This was not to be as the days turned into weeks with my pain increasing putting my jobs behind schedule and that was a great concern! I had a few good guys that helped me out and took over some jobs for me still thinking it was a minor setback.

Early March 2014 I ended up in severe pain to the doctors and then on to hospital after having MRI scans that showed that more discs had prolapsed and I would require surgery. At the time I was admitted I had a Surgeon Paul Nicol tell me that he was a neurosurgeon and how he has done over a thousand of these operations and how the team were all experts. This was not to be the case! This surgeon was later to talk this shit to my sister as well!

Surgery - Don't Kill Me

I remember going in to surgery and I jokingly said something like just don't kill me with a response of something like, "no chance of that happening and you will be back in no time. Gee talk about tempting fait as upon waking from the surgery and recalling saying to people in operating room that I can't breathe, then seeing hands over me and feeling a sharp pain under me ribcage I was back under the knife. Thids was a really rough time and you can read more about that journey here Paul's Medical Nightmare

A Bit Of A Butchers Job

I knew something was wrong when I started to wake up as I had memories of talking to my mum and my Grandparents that had passed. The feeling of fear and pain combined are things that still haunt me today as I have severely bad nightmares. The thing that pisses me off a great deal is how the surgeon said they had lost me for a while and how they had done a BUTCHERS JOB on me to get me back together. After looking down and seeing my wounds in my stomach pictured here horrified me to say the least.

Eight Months On and I have just recently started therapies to try to find my way back to my life I once had is proving to be very hard as I am having panic attacks stressed out, sever pain that is now increasing along with a magnitude of physiological issues. Basically I think I am pretty fuvcked in the head to tell the truth.

The bloody surgeon that has caused this to happen can say to me he has done a bit of a butchers job to get me back together can just go home have a drink or whatever and go" Gee that was a bit of a bad day" then go start on some other poor bastard without any comeback or hardship as he is protected by the ACC and the NZ Law. We cannot sue the surgeons or medical professionals as they are in a NO FAULT SYSTEM but for anyone else we can get screwed over!!

These bastards may be protected by a stupid law but the fucker is not protected from the patients they work on. I can see something bad happening that will wake up the government to the fact that we will not be treated like things that do not matter!

 I for one am totally pissed off as my condition worsens whilst these liar wankers go on living their lives. I really want these bastards to feel my pain I have to live with every bloody day! And as far as the Paul Nicols so called expert is nothing but a liar fuckhead as he is only a bloody registrar that has only this year been let lose on live patients, before that he was in Tasmania Medical School.

So Thank You Dr Boet, Paul Nichols as you two clowns I hope will get fucked over by someone or something one day and feel the pain I live in every fuckin day!!

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