Some people go through life having one wife from the time they get married and that is how I thought I would be as well but sadly in some respects this was not to be. With my first wife was 12 years older than I and things did not all work out but we had an amazing mutual bond in the handsomest little boy that has made me very proud over the years as he is a fine young man now, with much better looks than his dear old dad.
My second wife was 9 years younger than myself and very loyal and loving when I met her in Tonga when I was working over there as a Chef for the Tongan Royal family. That may be another blog post about that experience in itself. We were married for around 17 years having two beautiful girls that have made the both of us very proud as we continue to watch them bloom into lovely young and sensible ladies. My two girls are very close to their older brother and they all love each other to bits.
My second marriage I ruined by being not that faithful one could say for a number of reasons but none that could justify our calling it a day. However we are still good friends and spend Xmas and other family events together. I am very lucky in the sense that we get on so well and the mother of my two daughters gets on well with my third wife Emily. Yes that is right I have married again and some of you may find this absurd.
We met in 2012 and hit it off very well from the start not saying everything was perfect as that is a fantasy as there is no such thing as the perfect relationship as it takes both parties to put in the effort to make things work. Emily is 14 years younger than I am and she is a dressmaker for a local clothing company and I was on contract for the demolition of the Clarendon Towers. After this contract ended I worked for a few companies in one of my past trades as a craftsman tiler and the level of workmanship to say the least was appalling apart from one company called CBA TILING these guys had a great structure and work methodology and they continue to turn houses into homes that families talk about with pride and enthusiasm.
Having seen the need for quality tiling and the abundance of work that existed here in Christchurch after the earthquakes I decided to start my own company, Christchurch Tilers Ltd. Sadly this was all taken away from me by a basic surgical operation that was botched by the surgeons that have left me till this day in a bad way. For more about this tragic event from the day I died till now you can read it all here Pauls Med Nightmare
Throughout all the issues and hardships we have endured Emily my darling wife whom really is my soulmate has stuck with me and has supported me emotionally, physically and always been there to guide me through the really rough times when I could not speak properly. The darling makes all my meals for me so I only have to reheat in the microwave as I have a severe memory issue and I have set off the fire alarms more times than I have fingers and toes within a couple of months.
By now most people would have bailed out but my darling wife has been my rock that I can depend on and rely on in so many ways. Sure we have our moments like everyone has and sometimes we both make each other really angry but unlike in my previous relationships we both make the effort to talk things out once we have both calmed down.
At times well most of the time I feel quite useless as I am trapped at home most of the time due to the botch up of a couple of prick surgeons that I wish could go through life feeling the severe pain I am in. My darling works during the day Monday to Friday then comes home makes my dinner or we make it together then goes off to her night job on her bike as neither one of us drive at the time being. I am not allowed to drive due to my reaction times and the drugs I am taking.
I know Emily may read this post so darling I love you so much and I care for you so deeply and as every new moon comes into phaze my love for you grows stronger. You have been with me through some really great times and you are sticking by me through these really bad times that are no fault of my own making. I know I have the strength and determination to be better than I was before but I really wish I could go back to having some dairy products or meat as this diet is for my best but I really do not like it lol.
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