Sunday, December 7, 2014


For the majority of us we find it very easy noticing faults about others that we discuss with mutual friends etc, but how do you like being made aware of the faults you have? I do not think that we like to try to find faults about ourselves or take onboard others criticism about the faults we have, But in order to grow and expand our minds we must first look at ourselves before we judge others! This i know is a hard thing to do.


I will give you an example, My wife and I have been looking for a new car and even though I cannot drive at the moment I get told that I will not drive that car as I am too messy. I found that really offensive but at the same time I started to look at myself and I have to agree with her, as I Can be messy at times. This may not be saying that rubbish would be in the car just not tidy and keeping the car clean.

Another example that I know is a fault of mine is that I find myself after my surgery as being very explosive. Everyday I wake up and first thing I see is the cut where the surgeons botched up leaving ne dead for a few minutes. This makes me very angry and I have to try to find reasons why I should not go up to the hospital and beat the shit out of them, for doing this to me! Where in actual fact I need to get over this and leave what has happened in the past, instead of carrying it forward, as this anger is a bad disease that will just eat me up. What I should really be doing is waking up and focus on the positive things like my gym and therapy that will give me a better chance of finding my way back as I still feel quite lost.


Dwelling on negatives is very easy to do whereas concentrating on positives is hard for me to do as I keep getting reminded of all that has happened to me. So this is an issue I really need to work on but I do not think I can or could forgive these individuals, as there is no re-address or compensation these surgeons have to pay to me. Instead I have to go on living in constant pain daily whereas for the surgeons it is like water off a ducks back, as they can go on as if nothing has happened.

There are some faults that I have that are very easy to change for the better that I am doing now but there are some that will take a bit more time and a lot of soul searching before I can forgive and move on. I have a piece of paper on my wall with my faults I see in myself and tick off the ones I have rectified. The anger in me is very high and no matter how hard I try, at this present point in time it is very hard for me to think about forgiveness and moving on.


Take the challenge write down all the faults that you think you have then ask your partners and family members to tell you the faults they think you have. Do not get angry just listen and discuss your reasons why you may disagree with what they say, as they are only saying it because they care. Once you have done that create a list of all the faults and tick them off as you correct them. The ones that are the hardest should always be at the top as we need to keep coming back to those ones we need to change.

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